Friday, May 25, 2012

With In Darkness (Long)

“REI!” I spring up and fall out of bed; it’s that damn nightmare, the night my parents died.  I was 10 and Raiko was 6, my parents were the king and queen of the underworld, also known as hell. Shizu, my older sister, is a human, married to another human with two children. She comes to check on Raiko who is a healer; he’s a bit of a hikikomori. Meaning he doesn’t get out much, but me, I am a magic user, my specialty is dark magic, BLACK magic. Makes sense since my dad was well the devil.  I’m not one for humans, or even angels. But demons, I get, I grew up with them. I think of them as my family. I can call upon them, but I am not a necromancer, I wouldn’t want to be. But the demons right now are raising hell, since there’s not king or queen to rule them, but that’s their own damn fault. They killed my parents, I can hear my sister screaming for me to leave, to take Raiko and run as far away as possible. It’s been a hard 10 years, I’m 20, and Raiko is turning 16.  I love my sister and brother, but I wish I could get away from them, thus why I leave during the day to go on ‘adventures’. I’m evil, or that’s how I’m portrayed.
I keep having nightmares of that night, the flames of hell turned black, I was crying. I haven’t cried in 10 years, and plan to keep it that way. I use to be a nice and sweet girl, but now, I’m cold and somewhat heartless. My name is Rei Kurogane. I gave myself a last name, I am the Daughter of Adramalech and Victoria, a proud demonic black magic user. The rightful heir to the throne, but I don’t plan on being queen, but since I’m not married, I cannot be queen, and Shizu can’t be queen because she’s human. Okay Explain to me how my BIOLOGICAL sister, whom share both parents with me is human… there’s no explanation. I guess it doesn’t really matter, I often leave my brother home alone, and Shizu having these senses goes to my house and makes sure he’s okay, all day, with her children. Whom RUINED MY LIVING ROOM!, but I won’t hold them accountable, jut their parents! Jerks, they won’t even fucking pay for it either.  Shizu somehow always knows when I’m in trouble or hurt, or when Raiko is alone or scared.  She’s a wonderful sister; my brother is a good boy, although I had to raise him. 
I get up off the floor and walk to the bath room wash my face then head down stairs to the kitchen and see Raiko.
“Good morning Raiko” I smile gently, and pat his back.
“Morning…. Are you going out again today?”  I open the fridge and get a bottle of water and open it.
“I was planning on it, why?” Taking a sip of my water.
“Oh, will you get home earlier today? I wanted to hang out with you.” He looks down like he’s sad.
“Raiko why don’t you come with me?” I smile.
“N-n-no t-t-thank you Rei… I don’t do well with people…” he runs back to his cave. I look down and sigh.
“DO YOU WANT YOUR USUAL DINNER THEN?” I stand by the stairs.
“YES PLEASE!” I hear faintly from the darkness at the end of the hall.
I walk up stairs and get in the shower, I get out and brush my teeth, you know the usual things. I get out and open my closet, I don’t know why I do, I don’t really wear those clothes. I put on a black tank top then a black sweatshirt with a red triangle pointing down, then my red pants, my sweatshirt has these red claw like things, its fabric, kind of like Kon’s claws from bleach. I put on my hat with a red triangle pointing up, then walk down stairs slam open my brother’s door hug him and kiss his head.
“If I’m not back by the time Shizu starts to get overly worried, use the spell in the secrete place to summon  Aclahayr, to find me okay?” he nods his head, knowing it won’t come to that, I turn to his door.
“Raiko, If you ever need me, you can just talk to me. Don’t be scared to tell me you don’t want me to leave.” I walk to the front door and put my boots on and grab my bag. I open the front door and walk out, first thing I see is Shizu with her demon children, not that they are demons just what I call children. Evil little things. I sigh and glare at her in a I love you sort of way. I then walk away as she slams open the door and screams my brother’s name. Her son comes up to me, he’s about 7 now, for some reason is in to black magic.
“Hey kid, what’s up?” I look at him.
“If mom says it’s okay can I go with you?” he looks at me with soulless eyes.
“Sure, but you know she won’t say it’s okay.” I smirk.
“GRAI GET YOUR ASS IN THIS HOUSE! NOW!” Shizu screams from my bed room window.
“GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM YOU FAT BITCH!” I scream at her, she smirks and closes the window and leaves my room, I assume.
“I told you kid” I pat his head and walk away.
I walk into the forest, only way out, I go into the town and make the order for my brother, all I have to do is walk by and they know to make it. My brother eats the same dinner every night, the same breakfast and lunch. He doesn’t change his meals not even slightly, it has to be a certain portion and everything or he won’t eat it. I worry about him; I walk in and wave to the people there, for the same people are there every day.
“Rei, how are you today?” the owner says while entering in the order.
“oh you know same old same old”  he looks at me like he knows something going to happen.
“you feel it too don’t you Sinji?” I stare at the sign.
“yeah, I wonder who would come to this town.” He stares at the door.
“well, I’ll be back when I’m going home. Probably in about 5 hours or so, you know the drill” I turned around and walked to the door. I didn’t know what I would do that day; I go outside the town and find this demon dog, hurt and these angels laughing at it. I hated angles more than life itself.
“WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY DOG?!” I yelled, since I was further away than I thought.
“Who are you?” their ‘leader’ flew over to me smirking like he thought he could take me.
“Rei Kurogane. But then again you’re a new angle aren’t you? You know it’s not good to let humans see you, you’re so stupid.” I said while holding my ground. He looks at me like I said something to confuse him, OH WAIT I totally did, I used human instead of people.
“Why did you say Human like that?” he said while landing on his feet.  I smirk and hold up my hands and summon what looks like black and purple fire.
“You’d know me as Rei Abduxuel” his eyes get wide.
“So you’re the one who is letting these horrid creatures to-” I slap him,
“If you want to live you better watch how you talk of my people. Angels are the BEASTS that are the problem blaming the Demons, whom never did any wrong, except killing my parents. BECAUSE OF YOU ANGELS.”
The angels are glaring at me, like they think 6 on 1 is a good thing.
“Look little girl, I don’t know what church of Satan you go to but you should convert to be a Christian.”
“OH SHUT IT CLARA,” I take my sweatshirt off along with my hat and bag. They smirk and stay in the air.
“You’re weak, all of you.” I said smirking realizing they aren’t going to be man enough to fight me.
“YOU’RE WEAK” Clara said grabbing my hair and pulling it, while looking at me.  I just look at her like it’s nothing all calm like, because that’s how I am.
“You know Clara we miss you in hell. It’s ashamed YOU told the demons that MY parents were the cause of the revolution and why HUMANS HATED THEM.” Her grip tightens then all of a sudden there are 20 demons around us.
“Okay, I know I didn’t call for you.” I look around as her hand leaves my head, fear covers her face.
“Leave her alone” I hear a voice behind me. I turn around and see a man? I think this was a man, with rather long hair, he looks pissed.
“Who are you?” Clara’s wings open and she ascends to the sky.
“I’m a Necromancer. That’s all you need to know.” As he glares at them, the group of angels glare at me and start to fly away.
“I CAN TAKE YOU! “ I glare at this man.
“Why did you save me?”
“I don’t know. I usually don’t pay attention to people, demons, angles I like to keep to myself.”  My eyes grow wide as the feeling I had earlier grew stronger as he walked closer.
“Why are you here?” I step back with every step he takes towards me.
“I came to get ingredients for a spell.” I smirk.
“What kind of magic?”  He looks at me.
“Dark magic, but you wouldn’t know anything about that, unless you really are this Rei Abduxuel” he smirks.
“I changed my last name, Rei Kurogane. Don’t call me anything else.” I pick up my bag, hat and jacket.
“I know more about Black and dark magic then my father. I’ve studied every book, and master it completely; to the point where spells need no Martials.”  I said walking back to town. He follows me, and we reach the magic shop, as he continues to follow me there are guys in the background making rude comments about my ‘girlfriend’ I turn to them and glare.
“Okay first of all, I’m pretty sure this is a man, and second I just met him. Is it so unlike me to be nice once in my life to a fellow black magic user?” they shut up and I smiled an evil smile and they looked down.
“REI!” I hear a guy yell and hug me, I punched him in the face.
“don’t touch me, because I will kill you.” I said sternly. I continued to walk and reached a heavy looking door, it had carvings it told a story of the demons and angles but no one really noticed it.
Afrit open the door it’s Rei” the door unlocks and opens.  
“this man needs things for a spell.” Afrit looks at me.
“what kind of magic?”  I give him a look telling him he is stupid.
“if it were any other kind of magic do you think I’d visit you?” I sigh and gesture for the man to follow.
“He is a necromancer, which is all I know. But from the feeling, he’s a strong one.” I turn to leave.
“I’ll be outside the shop if you need me” I walk out the door.
“Don’t kill anyone” Afrit laughs.  I walk outside the shop, after beating the guys from before. Hey Afrit said not to kill them, which I didn’t I just nearly killed them.  I don’t know why I’m waiting but I feel like I should. Something tells me this man doesn’t have a place to stay, and is going to need one for a while. About 20 minutes later the man walks out with a bag of things.
“Did you get everything?” he looks at me.
“You really did wait” I push myself from off the wall I was leaning on.
“Yeah, let’s go, I have to get back home” it’s my way of inviting him over.
“Oh, okay.” He follows me and looks around, as if he was memorizing everything. We walk to the food shop I was at earlier, and the owner gave me a look as if I were to early.
“Why hello Rei” he still had that look.
“Don’t worry I can wait while you cook Raiko’s food” I sit down and lay my head down on the table.
“So this was the reason behind the feeling?”
“Yeah, he’s powerful”
“He one of your father’s –“
“No, father wouldn’t have known him”
“Who’s Raiko” the man had an eye brow raised.
“My little brother.”  He stands next to me.
“Why not sit down?”
“I’m fine with standing” after about 15 minutes Raiko’s dinner is ready. He always has this weird Chicken with rice.  I walk over and pay grab the food and walk out the door.
“See you tomorrow Sinji” I wave and walk to the forest. We reach my house and I open the door and Shizu stands there putting her shoes on, I smile and wave as she smiles and picks up her little girl.
“See you tomorrow” she said as she passed me.
We walk in and I knock on Raiko’s door, and he opens it slightly, grabs his bag and closes the door.  I turn to the man and ask him to please take his shoes off.  Raiko opens his door and see the purple haired man.
“Who is he?” he looks at him curiously.
“I don’t know yet Raiko, just eat your dinner.”  Raiko goes back into his room and eats.
I lead the man into the kitchen, and he sits down at the table. I start some tea and sit down.
“What’s your name?”
“Florian” He looks at me.
“Okay, Florian. You are a man right?” he chuckles.
“Yes I am a man.”
“How old are you? Tell me about yourself.”
He opens a bag of gummy bears and I raise an eye brow.
“I like to keep to myself, I like magic, and I love gummy bears. I am 21.” I stare at him, apparently lustfully.
“and I’m single” I stand up and get three cups and put the tea leave in the pot and wait three minutes then pour the tea into the three cups. I hand on to Florian and I sit back down with my cup. A few seconds later Raiko come into the room and throws his trash away grabs his cup of tea and the tea pot. 
“Why would I care that your single?” I take a sip of my tea, and watch him open another bag of gummy bears.
“The way you were staring at me made it seem like you wanted to know.” To be honest I did want to know. I don’t understand why I did, but I did.
I get up and put our cups into the sink and I walk to my room, I lie down on my bed closing my eyes, and feel someone crawl on to my bed. I open my eyes and see Florian over me. I blush slightly.
“Can I help you?” he smiles.
“Tell me about you!”
“I’m 20, my parents are dead. I raised my brother; I have a sister who is married with two children. I leave every day and have the same routine; my sister comes over every day and brings her children. I am Single, people call me cold and heartless and I don’t really care about much.”
I close my eyes again.
“Yeah” I sigh. 
“So where can I sleep? I assume you brought me to your house, so I can stay.” My eyes fly open, I forgot I don’t have a spare room and Raiko wouldn’t let him stay in his room, and the couch is unbearable.
“Um, I don’t have an extra room” he lies next to me, and smiles.
“Then I guess I’ll sleep in here with you.”
“You’re rather quick aren’t you?” I smirk.
He gets back on top of me and whispers in my ear.
“I find you rather interesting” I push him off me and stand and glare.
“Let’s get this straight, I am the one who is in charge” he looked to the side and rubbed his arm.
“Yes ma’am” he stands up.
“May I stay with you?”
“Yes, you can, you can sleep in my bed. You’d have to, Raiko doesn’t warm up to anyone and the couch is unbearable.” I turn my head to the side and scoff. I then feel a pair of arms around me.
“Are you hugging me?”  He lets go.
“Sorry!” he looks down blushing.
I turn to him and hug him, then walk down the stairs. He follows and I open the fridge.
“What would you like for dinner? I am a vegetarian, so I can’t get you meat.”
“I’ll eat whatever you make.” I take out some potatoes, carrots, rice, mock beef and other things for stew.
“Start washing and peeling the potatoes” I get the big pot out and put the vegetable broth in with some water and start peeling the carrots then cutting them up and putting them in the pot then the potatoes and everything else. After about an hour the food is ready and me and him sit down and eat.
“Why did you hug me?” I put the spoon down as I finish eating.
“I haven’t the slightest idea. I just felt like I had to. So I did.”
I blush slightly and head up stairs.
“Put your dishes in the sink”
I walk into my room and go into the shower, because for some reason I forgot Florian was sharing my room I left my bath room door open.
“So you do have boobs” I turn around and realize I left the door wide open and Florian was staring at me.
I glare at him and he laughs.
“I’m not closing the door, I don’t mind looking at you naked” he winks and takes his jacket off and walks towards me, smirking. He takes his shirt off and leans into me, his face just an inch away from mine.
“Now what?” I look at him sternly.
“So you do work quickly” I sigh kind of sadly and push him away and grab my towel. I get out of the shower.
“What does that mean?”
“Florian how many girls have you been with?”
“None, I’ve never had a girlfriend, nor have I ever slept with anyone. Oh yeah just to be clear that hug, is the first hug I’ve ever had.” I blush.
I turn to face him and yet again he is just an inch away from my face. He leans in and kisses me, well tries I slap him and get dressed. I didn’t care anymore; he had already seen me naked. Something tells me he liked it. I left the room and went to the roof; it’s where I watched the sunset.  He followed, he sat next to me and put his hand on mine.
“I love watching the sun set” I smile softly, he tightens his grip on my hand and I look at him.
“Why did you try to kiss me? We only just met, and yet you’re trying to make it seem like we’re together.”
“I guess it’s just, I’m drawn to you. I guess that’s why I told the angels to stop. I don’t know why.” I lean in and kiss his cheek.
“Let’s get this straight, I’M the leader. You, Raiko and Shizu are followers.” He smiles and nods.
I lay back and close my eyes, I guess I fell asleep. The next thing I remember is waking up in Florian’s arms. I blushed. I didn’t mind him, which is weird. Since I am one of few girls in this town, I get hit on a lot.  I liked the fact that I had to share a bed with him, and that he hugged me, and tried to kiss me. I am a little embarrassed that he saw me naked. I guess I was drawn to him as well. Maybe I and he will end up falling in love, but that’s a silly thought.  I look at him sleeping soundly, I smile softly and notice that he is wearing only boxers, my face gets bright red, I try to get up to get some water but I get pulled closer to him and his grip got tighter the more I tried to leave. I blush as I’m being held against his chest; I look up and kiss his jaw bone. I lay there until he woke up slightly.
“Florian can you please let go it’s hard to breathe.” Florian blushed as he let go, I got out of bed and got some water and went down stairs. I looked at the clock and realized it was 5 in the morning, I turned to go back up the stairs and I saw Florian standing there I smiled.
“Its 5:03 am, not time to wake up yet” I head up the stairs until me and him meet. I look at him curiously.
I walk past him and lay back in bed, and he snuggles next to me.
“I know you kissed my jaw bone” he smiled as he kissed my head. I blushed.
“Yeah and?”  He holds me close.
“Do we have to go out every day?” I look at him.
“You can stay here, but there’s nothing to do.” I roll over so I’m against his chest and hug him, not realizing. I had developed a crush on this man I only met yesterday.
“Then I guess I’ll tag along.”  We fall back asleep then a few hours later I wake up to an empty bed and I jerk myself up and look around my room frantically then notice the shower is running, I open the door to see Florian, naked. I blush and closed the door. I got dressed and went to get something to eat, I make a banana crepe, and wait for Florian to make his way down stairs.  It only takes about 5 minutes after I sit down for him to walk in.
“So now we’re even.” He smiles and puts his shirt on. 
“Now we have seen the other naked.” Smiled at me, “I wish it would be another way but oh well.” He said sarcastically. I roll my eyes and get up.
“Would you like a crepe?” he walks over to me and hugs me.
“Sure” then kisses me.  I blushed.
“Or would you like to eat mine?” I said smirking.
“Oh I wouldn’t mind if our lips met” he said winking and we both laughed.
I cut mine in half and we put our shoes on.
“RAIKO! WE’RE LEAVING BE BACK SOON!” As we made our way into town we got looks, I was wondering why until I realized we were holding hands, I mentally shrugged it off and kept walking.
“so what do we do?” he asks I smile and walk to the food shop.
“YOOOOO” I said while walking through the door, still holding Florian’s hand. Sinji looked at me weird.
“I’ll pay now; I’m going to be back early today, so Raiko is going to eat early.” Sinji nods and hands me my change.
We walk out and go to where we met. We sit down and I notice a demon puppy and it comes up to me. I pet him and he licks my face, it’s sad that angels gat these poor creatures. They are adorable!  I rest my head on Florian’s shoulder and he rests his head on my head.  I smile.
“So people are going to think we’re a couple.” I said petting this puppy.
“I don’t mind, I’d prefer it to be honest. Can we get some gummy bears?” I look at him and smile.
“Sure I have to get puppy food anyways.” He looks at me like a weirdo.
“This puppy needs a home until his mother can be healed, my brother is a healer.” The puppy’s mom follows us back into town. People use to be scared of the demon dogs, but realized that they were friendly and make wonderful pets.  We got to the store and got the food and treats, then we got people food and I bought 2 huge shipment boxes of gummy bears for Florian.  We go to the food shop and they had Raiko’s food ready.
We reached the house; Raiko came out and looked at the demon dog and took notes, took his food then went back into his room. Florian and I played with the puppy. After a while me and Florian went to my room and closed the door so the puppy wouldn’t get into anything he shouldn’t have.  Florian sat on the bed and just stared at me, I was staring back, I put my hands on Florian’s cheeks and I kissed him gently.
“Florian would you really prefer people thinking we’re a couple?”
“Of course, I adore you Rei.” I blush. He wraps his arms around me.
I guess, then. I got an answer to a question I didn’t even realize wanted to know. Florian likes me.
“Flo-Flo, do you like me?”
“Flo-Flo?” he rests his chin on my chest and looks up at me.
“Yes deal with it. Now answer my question.”
“I wouldn’t say like, doesn’t seem strong enough.”
I blush, and pull myself away. I don’t know if I should let myself fall deeper.  
“What’s wrong?” I shook my head.
“Is it because I have longer hair?” again I shook my head.
He gets up and goes down the stairs.
“I’ll make dinner tonight.” He smiles and heads towards the kitchen.
Let me explain how my house I built. It’s a big house with loads of rooms, but because I never thought I’d have a guest I never thought to have a ‘guess room’ so I made a library, study, a magic room, a fighting room. You walk in the front door and see an open door and a stair case, when in front of the stair case you look to your right and see a hall way and see a door on the back wall and then one other door. The last door is my brother’s room and the other door is his bath room. You turn around and see the kitchen the kitchen has a counter and a table. Nothing fancy just an average kitchen. Then you walk around the stairs to see this open space and see a TV, and a table. I live in japan so use your imagination. Then you walk up stairs and see a door, nothing else just one door. My room takes up the entire up stairs. Well it’s not that big. You walk back down stairs, go into the living room and turn to your left and see an opening you go out and see other doors, that’s where all the other rooms are. Not very descriptive, but you get where the rooms are. 
I walk down the stairs to see Florian washing the vegetables, I start to help.
“Please let me cook this by myself.” I groan and walk off to the living room, I see the puppy sleeping curled up on the couch, I thought it was cute, and awed. I went back to the kitchen to make tea, but I got yelled at again. I sat down on the couch and opened a pack of gummy bears, and started to eat them, they were pretty good. 
“Rei do you like mushroom? WHY ARE YOU EATING MY GUMMY BEARS?!” I looked at him.
“In all fairness I did buy them. It depends on what the mushrooms are in.” I turn my head back to the TV and it’s a documentary on demons.  He turned to walk out then saw a tiny spider and screamed. I jumped off the couch to see why he screamed then slapped him.
“REALLY FLORIAN?!” I step on the spider and twist my foot.  I go back and sit down on the couch; I close my eyes and drift off. 
“Rei wake up, dinner is ready” I feel a finger rubbing my cheek. I opened my eyes and saw Florian, looking sweet. I wrapped my arms around his neck.
“Carry me.” I groaned as he picks me up and carried me to the kitchen.  He sat me at the table and i look at my plate of food, it looked amazing! It was over rice, and it tasted as good as it looked.
“This is amazing!” I said savoring the taste of the meal Flo-Flo had made for me. I smiled at him and kept eating. He smiled at me.
“I’m glad you like it.” I sprung up and slammed my hands on the table.
“Yes, I can cook every night. But tomorrow can we stay home? Your brother really wants to spend time with you.” My eyes get wide.
“You’ve talked to my brother?” I gave him a stern look.
“He came out of his room and started to talk to me, asked me who I was, what I was why I was here. If I was going to hurt you. After I said I would never dream of hurting you he smiled and shook my hand then we carried on a conversation. He told me that if you were to get hurt, that he’d kill me. He loves you.  He told me he wished you didn’t go out so much, If you made him meals he would try them, or at least if you ate together. He just wants to spend time with you, and not worry about you sometimes.” He came over and hugged me.
I looked down and started to cry. He spun me around and wiped my tears away. He kissed my forehead.
“Don’t cry, please” he hugged me again. I buried myself in his chest and cried, then pushed him away and finished eating. I walked to my brothers room opened the door and hugged him.
“If you’d like I’ll stay home tomorrow.” I kissed his head.  He smiled and hugged back.
“But you have to call Shizu and tell her not to come over tomorrow.” He looked scared after that.
I stood up then went to my room, I got in the shower. I noticed Florian standing there and hugged my half naked body.
“Can I help you?” I pushed him away, then turned to face him. He looked sad.
“Can we shower together?” I slapped him.
“NO WE CAN’T SHOWER TOGETHER!” I slammed the bathroom door in his faced then locked it then put a seal on the door. I stood in the cold water waiting for it to get warm. I took my loofa and put soap on it then just stood there; I then started to wash myself then my hair. I got out of the shower and brushed my teeth. As soon as I opened the door I noticed Flo-Flo was sleeping. I smiled and found one of his shirts; I forgot to mention he has stuff with him when we met. I put it on and snuggled next to him. I laid my head on his chest then drifted off. I woke up the next morning to an empty bed, the shower wasn’t running so I went down stairs and saw Raiko and Florian in the kitchen, Florian was cooking and talking and Raiko was laughing.
“Maybe I should let myself fall for him. He gets along with Raiko.” I murdered to myself.
“A shirt what are you wear?” Raiko laughed a little bit.
“Boxers” we exchange smiles and I sit down. Florian looked at me and blushed. 
“Raiko, can you leave me and Florian to talk alone.” Raiko stands up .
“Yes Rei” we goes to his cave.
“Florian, how do you feel about me?” he turns to me.
“do you want me to sum it up or be completely honest?”
“Honesty please” I said stand up he walks over to me and kisses me gently.
“I love you Rei. I don’t know why I do. I know hardly anything about you. I just know that if I were to leave, I couldn’t sleep. I wouldn’t smile. I never smiled before I met you. I just feel so happy around you. You are special to me, I could never hurt you. I want to be with you, forever. I don’t know why and I don’t care.” He hugs me and I hug back.
“Then be my boyfriend.” He pulls away looking annoyed.
“Okay, I guess we should start off right.” I hear the front door open and I run to see Shizu.
“You can go home; I’m not going out today.” I said pointing in the direction of her house.
“But I wanted to meet that guy I saw you with the other day.” Florian walks out of the kitchen.
I sigh, “This is Florian, my boyfriend. He’s 21 now leave!” Shizu get this overly happy look on her face.
“TAKE YOUR SHOES OFF WOMEN! I haven’t hid this from you we just got together.”  I look at him and smile. “He gets along with Raiko and that’s enough. Now leave or I’ll teach your son black magic…” Shizu’s smile turns into a I hate you look and turns around.
“Rei, I will come back. I will need to talk to this man” she walks away. I turn to Florian.
“now tell me how you feel. Is me getting along with your brother the only reason you want to be with me?” I shook my head.
“Florian, I love you as well, your nice, and sweet. You take care of me and look out for my brother. I don’t think I could go on living if you left here.” He hugged me tight.
“RAIKO BREAKFAST IS READY” Florian yelled down the hall, Raiko came sliding to the kitchen and sat at the table. I sit down along with Florian. We start eating and talking about things we like. We discovered we like the same things and planned on watching a movie that night.  I tried to help Flo-Flo clean up but was banished, I went to my room and put on a t-shirt and shorts, I sat down on the couch with the puppy and pet him.
“I’ll name you Lucifer” I smiled as the puppy licked my face. Florian came in and sat next to me. We snuggles on the couch, then the puppy ran off to play outside. Florian repositioned us so that I was in between his legs and he held me close to him. I leaned back and we watched a movie, called van helsing. We started to make fun of the movie and laugh. I got up to get some water and Florian some gummy bears I then made pop corn and put in a movie, while we were waiting for the movie I asked Florian if her wanted me to braid his hair, he said yea and I did so. We sat and watched the Cat Returns. I looked at Florian to see if he was enjoying the movie and he looked at me and kissed my cheek.
“I love you Rei.” He smiled and held me close.
“I love you too Florian” I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment.
“We should show our love for each other tonight” he licked my cheek and I stood up and slapped his arm.
“NO! THAT’S A BAD FLORIAN!” Florian looked down. I leaned down and kissed his head. I did love him and I did want to do what he was getting at, but I was nervous.
It was around lunch time and I made lunch, Florian got sad because I mad lunch and he didn’t.  We ate together, with Raiko and then sat in the living room and watched Hellsing the anime. Raiko and I were acting it out. Florian just watched us and laughed.  We then watched the movie and Raiko went back to his room.
I went to my room and got into the shower, Florian came in, and kissed me.
“Rei, I can’t hold back any longer.” I blushed, I pushed him away.
“Wait until I finish my shower” he looked at me weird.
“You’ll need another shower when I’m done.” He smirked and went on the bed. I blushed even harder and rinsed my hair off. We did make love that night and proof of that was me waking up naked. I did have to leave today. I was going to another town. Florian went with me, and Shizu had brought her kids and things just in case they had to stay longer.
We got lost, I had the map and I was looking at it hard.
“Maybe we should ask for directions sweetheart.” Florian said pointing to a man.
“WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SUCH A WOMAN?!” I sighed, realizing where we were I walked off and Florian followed, 20 minutes after our little spat we reached the town. I walked into the magic shop and asked for a certain object. The Person behind the counter looked at me with wide eyes then showed me to the back room.  Angels had been there. I could smell their foul odor.  I got what I needed and left the town.  I grabbed Florian’s hand and we walked back. Before we get back to my town, we run into the angels. Expecting a fight.
“Oh Clara you came back for me!” I said sarcastically. “Oh but it looks like your too late I’ve already moved on to someone else!” I shrugged my shoulders smirking.
“OH SHUT UP!” Clara came at me with a sword. I conjured a spell and it gave me wings, I flew at her and shoved my hand threw her chest and ripped out her heart.
“Funny I thought you’d fight better.” My eyes were red.  Her eyes were wide. Florian summoned Demons and those whom have died. They helped us fight the group of angels and though Demons cannot die, Angels can. We walked back and I washed my hands, Florian and I sat on the bed and hugged.
“Rei, you should know you’re everything to me. If you were to die, I’d kill myself.” My eyes grew wide and I hugged him tight.
“I will never die Florian.” I kissed him and he held me close.
We laid there and held each other, I love my dear Florian. If anyone tries to get in our way, I’ll kill them.

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