Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Twisted Truth

I sit on the railing of the deck
Closing my eyes
Listening to gun shots and screams
I then hear what sounded like
Something metal being dragged
Across the deck
I turn to see Varia
Standing there a foot away from me
"They are dead"
I smiled
"all of them" I said with a smirk
"yes, I will get every one of them.
For you Alexandra" she said as she kneeled  
As a joke

For she is my knight, guard and soul
She must protect me, and my future family
Whom ever interferes
With me and my love David
Shall parish

I am the Queen of Darkness
And Varia is my Loyal Knight,
Killing those Whom come between me

I shall never Fear as long
As my dearest Varia is around

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